Summer of Restauranting Begins Today
Last night, when I finished a substandard teriaki salmon at a restaurant that I have eaten at before, and realized I didn't enjoy my meal there the time before, I decided that I need to try something new. Actually everything new.
I declared summer 2006 to be the Summer of Restauranting. Until September, I must only try new places. No reruns. No more saying, "I have to go to Georgia Browns sometime." Som(mer)time is now.
I'm spreading my money around, so if people have suggestions for whence to go, please post in comments.
Moved away from Seattle to escape the rain
So it was officially sunny for about 10 minutes 38 seconds today. Feels like summer, don't it? But I am THRILLED!.... that the gray skies have returned. Saves me money on sunscreen. And the drenching, flooding rains that have seeped into everyone's basement? Well, it's just an excuse to clear out some of those useless mementos. Who needs their high school yearbooks and family heirlooms? Great grandma's wedding dress? No need to hang onto that anymore since it's now been soaking in leaves-containing water. Whew!
Btw, in Seattle, for what it's worth, today is to be 77 with sunny skies, and it looks like the weekend will be even better.
This is crap.
I went on a road trip with Seamus and Britney and all I got was this dirty mind
They're replacing the carpet in The Man's office, so they've moved all of His furniture into the hallway. It's weird seeing His Trappings Of Power out of context, so I'm not sure if I can be blamed for what I thought when I saw His large, leather executive recliner propped up against the wall:
"That chair, that's where the Ass of Power sits."
And from the "it just sounds dirty" department....
Last night the male flight attendant on my plane broadcasted on the intercom to report that due to turbulence, he will be discontinuing the cart service and will instead be starting "hand service."
Some folks need to get a life
It has come to my attention (thanks Britney, yo) that some of our esteemed colleagues need some real work to do. Combing through a marketing piece to find things to complain about doesn't qualify as work. Complaining that the people in the shot look gay because the photo was flipped and so the suit jacket has the buttons on the wrong side makes me want to ask you if there's a hyphen in anal retentive.
And by the way, does anyone know where the closest Gay Men's Wearhouse is? I want to buy a man's suit jacket that buttons on the wrong side...
Keanu Reeves says he's lonely and wants to get married and have children, in an upcoming issue of Parade magazine.
Where do I volunteer?
How Bailey, yo Stopped Worrying
Bailey, yo: North Korea's got the bomb, right?
Mr. Bailey: Well, that's what most people think.
B, yo: So who else has got the bomb?
Mr. B: Um, France, Germany, England . . .
B, yo: Germany does not have the bomb. After two world wars, there ain't no way Germany's gonna get the bomb.
Mr. B: Good point. Um, us, Russia, Pakistan, Israel . . .
B, yo: Israel's got the bomb?
Mr. B: Sure.
B, yo: What the hell is Israel going to do with the bomb?
Mr. B: I think they're a little touchy about their sovereignty some days.
Got dressed in the dark.
“Paging, the Fashion Police. Paging, the Fashion Police.”
The announcement at McCarran Airport elicited grins and giggles from passengers waiting to board United 1402 to Dulles on Thursday afternoon. Pondering what, in a city rife with excess, might have prompted the curious message, I called Britney, yo to share the moment, “You won’t believe the page that I just heard, and I promise I’m not wearing my socks and sandals.”
“United Flight 1402 to Washington Dulles is ready for boarding. Passengers in Group 1 may now board the aircraft.”
In the time it took to board the flight, the mystery was solved, at least to my satisfaction. Taking my seat, I had to call Britney, yo back with an update. “I’m not sure if this is the one that inspired the page, but he should have. From the ground up: blue plastic flip-flops with grey and white ankle-highs, khaki shorts, a navy blazer, ear-mounted phone, and a yellow ball cap.” Seamus, yo is no slave to fashion, but even I thought the phone was over the top.
I left my stomach in Las Vegas
I'd eat anything right about now, including the crumbs trapped in my keyboard.
Stop judging me.
Did you know you can fit an alpaca in the back of a Hyundai Tuscon?
Seamus, yo has a new grandbaby:
"27 lbs! Datsa lotta baybee!"
cutest. baby. alpaca. ever.
congratulations, karen!