Sunday, January 28, 2007

Whether Heaven or Hell, You're Going Through ATL

Dear SuperShuttle:

If you had not insisted on picking me up at 3:30 a.m. for my 7 a.m. flight today, I would have not learned the following things:

1. It only takes 23 minutes to get from my house to DCA when only 38 other cars are on the road.

2. No one else actually agrees to let SuperShuttle pick them up at 3:30 a.m. for a 7 a.m. flight on Sunday morning at an airport that's only 23 minutes away. This kind of non-shared ride when you're thinking there's going to be someone to commiserate and eye-roll with is a bit of a let-down.

3. The Delta counter at National doesn't actually open until 5 a.m.

4. Airport staff frowns on using wheelchairs as ottomans.

5. Confirming earlier suspicions, it is impossible to actually sleep anywhere at any time in an airport. (Too-bright lights are the only thing that kept me from trying the bathroom counter.)

6. The airport wireless connection will finally pick up just about the time your boarding number is called.

7. Airport CNN is what's playing all the time in hell.



At 7:17 PM, Blogger Elle Parramore said...

Is airport CNN the same as hospital CNN? Because if so, I think you're right.


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