Guess who's back on the market?!
At ease, Condi -- you already got the State Dept. to do your dirty work.
To commemorate the offloading of one of the Bush Administration's homeslices, pour a little liquor on the ground and recall your favorite Rumsfeld quote in the comments. To wit:
"I would not say that the future is necessarily less predictable than the past. I think the past was not predictable when it started."
Amen, brutha.
This should fit the bill.
"If I know the answer I'll tell you the answer, and if I don't, I'll just respond, cleverly."
My favorite Rumsfeldism is still:
"I'm not into this detail stuff. I'm more concepty."
I'm also a fan of: "I am not going to give you a number for it because it's not my business to do intelligent work." -asked to estimate the number of Iraqi insurgents while testifying before Congress
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