Tuesday, May 16, 2006

How stalking can ruin your day.

1. Use Google to find out where your urologist lives.

2. Use sdat.org to find out how much your urologist paid for his house.

3. Use Zillow to find out how much your urologist's house is now worth.

4. Find a fork.

5. Jab it in your eye. Repeat until blind.


At 8:00 PM, Blogger Veronica said...

"Insert into the 'urologist' slot any sort of healthcare provider"... and the same would be true.

(Moreover, I think we should send this message to the Fork lobby or the National Fork Association, because we are clearly working in their best interests).

At 8:04 PM, Blogger Veronica said...

Also, just googled National Fork Association, and while that doesn't exist, the North Fork Preservation Association (wwwDOTgravelDOTorg) does exist, but it also generated a hit for the National Pasta Association.

Bailey, yo, perhaps you should change "find a fork" to "find a piece of fusilli pasta"?

I'm thinking sponsorship opportunities here and a way to get back at The (urologist) Man.

At 12:14 AM, Blogger Bailey, yo said...

Funny how Google will help you find The Man and where he lives, but isn't worth a damn when you go looking for sponsors to help you get back at him.


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